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Tuesday 17 June 2014

How Should I Prepare for an Interview?
Studying for an entrance test isn’t that difficult. All you need is to memorize. You cram up on technical knowledge and know you’re home free. But it’s the next step, the personal interview, that’s hard. How should I prepare for an interview? You ask yourself. Everything is uncertain, anything could happen. And then you’re sitting in front of a complete stranger and you can’t control your nerves.

But it really doesn’t have to be that bad. You need to remember that they need an employee as much as you need a job. Make sure you know about the company you might end up working for; if you like the kind of work they do, you will speak about it with more enthusiasm, and your prospective employers will know you really want the job. Make a good impression, and you’re in. You’ll never have to ask ‘How should I prepare for an interview?’ again. Find out similar blog how do I write a good CV or resume

Good Luck!